About Us

The Interaction Lab is a University User Experience Consultancy based within the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design at City St George’s, University of London. We collect user insights and transform them into digital products that meet the needs of our clients and their target audience. As a University consultancy our team is in the unique position to support the exciting academic research and teaching going on within our Centre and bring this expertise to our external commercial clients. Established in 2006, our team has worked on projects for organisations of all sizes including The BBC, The AA, Virgin Atlantic Airlines and Cancer Research UK.

Our Ethos

Being a university consultancy, our focus is not on turning a massive profit or launching the latest design craze. Instead our role is to provide our design students with opportunities to apply themselves to real world challenges. We believe that a limited budget shouldn’t prevent organisations from incorporating user insight into their digital product design. Our unique set-up means that we can support organisations of all sizes in designing better products for their users through the strategic application of user-centred design. We are especially keen to support the public sector, charities and not for profits.

Our Team

The Interaction Lab team is made up of staff, students, friends and graduates from the Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design at City St George’s, University of London’. A core team of staff maintain the facilities and manage the day to day operations whilst project teams are brought together based on particular project requirements.

Being a University consultancy The Interaction Lab offers current MSc students the opportunity to work on commercial projects whilst they study providing them with the opportunity to put the skills they learn into practice. The benefit to businesses is that these Student Consultants bring enthusiasm and a fresh perspective to those projects they work on.

Previous Student Consultants have gone on to work for UX Consultancies including Foolproof, Bunnyfoot and Fluent Interaction, and client side organisations including IBM, The Guardian, AstraZeneca and Shell.

  • Stuart Scott

    Manager / Lead Practitioner

    “Interaction design is not about pixel perfect renderings, it’s about providing the optimal solution to a problem”

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